Business Name – Trading As
Flexity Pty Ltd
Company Name: Flexity Pty Ltd
Phone: 02 9896 3221
Email: info@flexity.com.au
Web: www.flexity.com.au
Unit 11, 25 Stoddart Road
Prospect, NSW 2148
Name: Nick Yates
Phone: 0404 410 151
Email: nick.yates@flexity.com.au
Products and Services
Network scale voltage control, point-on-wave switching control, dynamic line rating, grid analytics and fault location, demand response, sustainable battery solutions, power metering, legacy tapchanger spares and service.
Company Message
Flexity responds to the need for innovative, impactful technology to more rapidly transition the existing power network to the future decarbonised energy grid. We connect more renewables more of the time by dynamically improving line capacity, and connect them using advanced point-on-wave switching techniques able to eliminate voltage and transient challenges. Flexity technology manages voltage at network scale, to ensure regulatory compliance and to respond to current and emerging FCAS requirements, and identifies and accurately locates network faults including in challenging REFCL circuits, and in underground LV cables. And Flexity keeps legacy tapchangers in peak condition, extending the lifetime of power transformers