Business Name – Trading As:
Sicame Australia Pty Ltd.
Company Name: Sicame Australia Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +61 7 3807 7022
Fax: + 61 7 3807 7522
Email: sales@sicame.com.au
Web: www.sicame.com.au
23-25 Union Circuit
Name: Gavin Bryant
Phone: +61 7 3807 7022
Fax: +61 7 3807 7522
Products and Services
Manufacturers and suppliers of overhead & underground LV & MV distribution connection systems and accessories, electrical safety products & PPE, Solar & Wind farm connection systems and MV cable accessories.
Company Message
Sicame Australia are a local Australian manufacturing company part of Group Sicame comprising of over 50 companies worldwide specializing in design, testing & manufacturing of electrical generation, transmission, distribution & safety products.
In Australia, we have established a reputation as an innovative product developer and strong dependable supplier of a broad range of LV & MV electrical distribution products to both public and private industry. Our team of professional electrical & mechanical engineers specialize in R & D of high quality overhead and underground electrical connection systems.
Contact us in Brisbane or Sydney or your preferred Sicame distributor for further details.